Friday, September 18, 2009

Is BC Wine Really From BC?

The following article may be startling to many avid wine drinkers in BC, Canada.

BC wines may not really be BC wine, unless declared as VQA!
For a wine to be designated as a BC wine, it only has to be bottled in BC, and may be imported bulk wine from various locations including Africa and California.  This makes it deceivingly categorized as a "BC" wine in all Canadian liquor stores, including Government operated BC Signature Liquor Stores.

Some of the BC wine products, such as Peller Estates Proprietor's Reserve and Jackson-Triggs Proprietors' Selection, that are bottled from cheaper imported bulk shipments are from three of the biggest BC wineries: Mission Hill, Andrew Peller Ltd. and Vincor International Ltd.

For more detail, follow the link to the Vancouver Sun article at the bottom.


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